Weekly ATR Lab Meeting 8/6/2018
Attendees: Kim, Jong-Hoon Kim, Do Yeon Cardenas, Irvin Kanyok, Nate Shaker, Alfred Richarson, Kody Lee, Suho Kim, Sung Kwan Baza, Ahmed Kim, Gaeun Agenda: 1. Lab administration works 2. Lab events 3. Present weekly report Summary: 1. Lab administration works 1.1. Rental rules 1.2. Robotics kit for class 1.3. Website 2. Lab events 2.1. Survey for the VR & TR team 2.1.1. From the ATR lab members 2.1.2. From the NIH project team members 2.2. TeleBot-2 manufacturing 2.2.1. Design 2.2.2. Manufacture date: 2018-08-07 2.3. Fundraising with Dr. Khan (refer to agenda_alevina) 2.4. Seminar in the morning (10:00 AM) on...
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