
Home / Lab  / Weekly ATR Lab Meeting 8/6/2018


Kim, Jong-Hoon
Kim, Do Yeon
Cardenas, Irvin
Kanyok, Nate
Shaker, Alfred
Richarson, Kody
Lee, Suho
Kim, Sung Kwan
Baza, Ahmed
Kim, Gaeun



1. Lab administration works
2. Lab events
3. Present weekly report



1. Lab administration works
1.1. Rental rules
1.2. Robotics kit for class
1.3. Website
2. Lab events
2.1. Survey for the VR & TR team
2.1.1. From the ATR lab members
2.1.2. From the NIH project team members
2.2. TeleBot-2 manufacturing
2.2.1. Design
2.2.2. Manufacture date: 2018-08-07
2.3. Fundraising with Dr. Khan (refer to agenda_alevina)
2.4. Seminar in the morning (10:00 AM) on 2018-08-10
2.4.1. abaza: TeleBot-2 design
2.4.2. krichar TeleBot-2 manufacturing
3. Present weekly report
3.1. Localization
3.1.1. Demo (next week)
3.1.2. Seminar on 2018-08-17
3.2. Public relation
3.2.1. Complete survey
3.2.2. Fundraising Workshop (next year)
3.3. Locomotion
3.3.1. Controller priority: Policy to constantly check ‘who is controlling’ or ‘what is the main controller’
3.3.2. WRS constrains (i.e., Wi-Fi)
3.3.3. ROS tutorial on 2018-08-14
3.3.4. Ubuntu version
3.4. Manufacture
3.4.1. Building two versions of robots (mini- and actual-version)
3.5. Operational task
3.5.1. slee: Demon on 2018-08-17
3.5.2. Correct error on IMU sensors
3.5.3. Reading data using PrioVR
3.6. Design
3.7. Vision
3.7.1. skim: Demo on 2018-08-17
3.7.2. ashaker: Demo on 2018-08-08
3.7.3. Demo and feedback

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