
Home / Lab  / Weekly ATR Meeting 7/09/2018

Kim, Jong-Hoon
Kim, Do Yeon
Cardenas, Irvin
Kanyok, Nate
Shaker, Alfred
Lin, XiangXu
Richarson, Kody
Lee, Suho
Kim, Sung Kwan
Baza, Ahmed

1. Welcome student interns for Summer 2018
2. Present weekly reports
3. General rules and guidelines of the lab
4. Others

1. Welcome student interns for Summer 2018
1.1. Assign team: Mentor-Intern
1.1.1. Alfred – Sung Kwan: VR
1.1.2. Irvin – Ahmed: Software development
2. Present weekly reports
3. Review general rules and guidelines
4. Related to the lab
4.1. Events (field trip, seminar, etc.)
4.1.1. Seminar on every Wednesday

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