
Home / Lab  / Weekly General Meeting


Kim, Jong-Hoon
Kim, Do Yeon
Cardenas, Irvin
Kanyok, Nate
Shaker, Alfred
Lin, XiangXu Shawn
Jung, Hyun Jae
Lee, Suho
Baza, Ahmed



1. Preparation for the Fall semester
2. Present weekly reports
3. WRS
4. Fundraising
5. Design



1. Preparation for the Fall semester
1.1. Sharing schedule with
1.2. General meeting: Every two weeks
1.3. Team meeting
1.4. Recruitment for new students
2. Present weekly reports
2.1. A survey for VR-TR team
2.1.1. Second subject test
* Due: 2018-08-28
2.2. Motion tracking
* Due: 2018-08-26
2.3. Localization
3. WRS
3.1. Manufacturing
3.1.1. Order list
3.2. Team intro video
* Due: 2018-08-26
3.2.1. Survey
* Due: 2018-08-20
3.2.2. Find other WRS team intro video
3.3. Power source
3.3.1. Calculate/survey power source
3.3.2. Order parts via Amazon Japan
4. Fundraising
4.1. Meeting with Jan Kotila at 11:30 AM
* Due: 2018-08-21
4.2. Student organization
5. Design

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