
Updates on our meetings

Attendees: Kim, Jong-Hoon Kim, Do Yeon Cardenas, Irvin Kanyok, Nate Shaker, Alfred Richarson, Kody Lee, Suho Kim, Sung Kwan Baza, Ahmed Kim, Gaeun   Agenda: 1. Lab administration works 2. Lab events 3. Present weekly report   Summary: 1. Lab administration works 1.1. Rental rules 1.2. Robotics kit for class 1.3. Website 2. Lab events 2.1. Survey for the VR & TR team 2.1.1. From the ATR lab members 2.1.2. From the NIH project team members 2.2. TeleBot-2 manufacturing 2.2.1. Design 2.2.2. Manufacture date: 2018-08-07 2.3. Fundraising with Dr. Khan (refer to agenda_alevina) 2.4. Seminar in the morning (10:00 AM) on...

Attendees: Kim, Jong-Hoon Kim, Do Yeon Cardenas, Irvin Kanyok, Nate Shaker, Alfred Lin, XiangXu Richarson, Kody Lee, Suho Kim, Sung Kwan Baza, Ahmed Kim, Gaeun   Agenda: 1. Weekly schedule 2. ATR Guidelines 3. WRS 4. Present weekly reports 5. Abstract for Sprint Robotics Conference   Summary: 1. Weekly schedule 1.1. Building a prototype of TeleBot2 starting on 2018-08-01 1.2. Picking up tools on 2018-08-01 2. ATR guidelines 2.1. GitHub: Refer to guidelines on 'develop' branch in 'dev-guidelines' 2.1.1. Link: 3. WRS 3.1. Two pairs of operators 3.1.1. Tutorials about ROS and operation-related 3.2. Questions 3.2.1. Indoor or outdoor 3.2.2. Purpose of...

Attendees: Kim, Jong-Hoon Kim, Do Yeon Cardenas, Irvin Kanyok, Nate Shaker, Alfred Lin, XiangXu Richarson, Kody Lee, Suho Kim, Sung Kwan Baza, Ahmed Kim, Gaeun Agenda: 1. Mechanical tools rental 2. Updates from the staff meeting 3. Conference 4. Present weekly reports 5. Demo 6. Ubuntu Summary: 1. Mechanical tool rental 1.1. Via Google Survey 1.2. Use '2018-Order Lists' to order supplies 2. Updates from the staff meeting 2.1. Print documents 2.2. Update ATR website 2.3. Sharing photos and videos via 'Media' folder in Google Drive 2.4. Social media 2.4.1. Instagram 3. Conference 3.1. Sprint Robotics 3.1.1. Abstract submittion by 2018-07-31 3.1.2. Conference...

Attendees: Kim, Jong-Hoon Kim, Do Yeon Cardenas, Irvin Kanyok, Nate Shaker, Alfred Lin, XiangXu Richarson, Kody Lee, Suho Kim, Sung Kwan Baza, Ahmed Kim, Gaeun Levina, Anna   Agenda: 1. Lab administration works 2. Welcome new members 3. Lab events 4. Conference 5. Present weekly reports Summary: 1. Lab administration works 1.1. Parts and equipments 1.2. Robotics Kits from the lab on the first floor 1.3. Rules 1.4. Cleaning day: Every Monday after the lab meeting 1.5. Staff meeting: Every Monday at 10:00 AM 1.6. Weekly meeting: Every Monday at 10:30 AM 2. Welcome a new member 2.1. Anna Levina...